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Tuesday, September 12

Final Year Project 1 & 2 ( Character )

Counting days...

Character Design - Head and Body Turnaround

Character design is next step after the story and thumbnails approved from Mr.M. This step also though because i need to make a human figure which related to my character for this animation. Before this, i have learned to use 3DsMax in 3D design and 3D animation class. But for this FYP I used the simple and free software which called Blender. The challenge of course i need to learn by my self because 3D class doesn't teach me how to use Blender. At the end, i've found that using Blender Software is more easy than i used 3DsMax to make human figure character. The references just only tutorial on Youtube and forum from Blender website. 

Hasilnya ialahh.....

This is the rough sketch. LOL look short and funny haha

wire frame after di3Dkan


The idea for Character Design ...

Character Turnaround and Head Turnaround

haha Comment bawah ni Please kalau ade anything nak dikemukakan..!!!

See u on next step!

1 comment:

ItazzeNiaRon said...

bagus!! pemilihan character yg simple dan comel !!
