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Sunday, September 17

Final Year Project 1 & 2 ( Storyboard )

Counting days.....

storyboard is a graphic organizer in the form of illustrations or images displayed in sequence for the purpose of pre-visualizing a motion pictureanimationmotion graphic or interactive media sequence. In my Module Pack, Storyboard is the most important part because it give 20 marks on my module pack. 

For me, storyboard should have a Picture which is visual of the story, Scene number which easy to animate and compile each scene, Description which is to tell the story about the picture, VFx which is visual effect that need to insert to the scene, Audio which is sound effect that will insert to the scene, Duration which is time duration of each scene. To differentiate between storyboard and thumbnails. I improve my drawing by adding arrow and camera symbol on it.

Image result for camera symbol on storyboard

Image result for camera symbol on storyboard

This is my storyboard ...

1 comment:

ItazzeNiaRon said...

storyboard yg kemas dan menarik ! power 3d ni !! kipidap
